
The Position is Cursed!

Renee Crawford is really beating the whole Palin/witchcraft meme to death, which ultimately turns out to be a whole lot of nothing, especially if you consider how people might respond to Obama embracing his Kenyan roots regardless of how strange they may appear to Westerners.

But at the same time, I think it's worth pointing out that Renee may not want to go around accussing people of being witches. Looks to me like Barry might be dipping his hand into the bubbling cauldron himself!

On the bright side, should he be elected, we'll at least finally have a president who can defend us against the Dark Arts.


Renees Take said...

Better to have a defense against the dark arts elected than a dark arts master... ;-)

Nice try Dave... the paster who laid his hands on her and asked Jesus to drive the witchcraft away from her and bring her lots of money to win the governorship (Jesus apparently takes sides and bring cash... who knew with all the poor people who believe in him...). Actually has a very sordid history of anti-semitism, and literally accusing poor harmless women of bringing evil to their villages and driving them out with stonings... sick shit Dave, sick...

Not a minor issue at all...

Obama is just a nicer guy than McCain and won't fan the flames by highlighting this woman's idiocy... She's a moron. Good luck with that...

Renees Take said...
